( Shhh -- Beardsley Park-Treeland is Bridgeport’s best kept secret ! )

A great friendly neighborhood in northeastern
Bridgeport, Connecticut.
Browse these pages for Shopping & Restaurant Directories, guides to Resources, News and Real Estate in Beardsley Park-Treeland.
The Pequonock River in Beardsley Park

courtesy of Goggle -- click for map link
This area of Bridgeport has been known as "Treeland" for decades. However, it is not an official designation. While there is no connection to the wonderful Treeland Home and Garden Showplace, it is undoubtedly the origin of the name for this area.
You'll find great neighbors, a diversity of cultures and ages. It's not a terribly wealthy neighborhood, but one that has seen consistent improvement...
The Treeland area has seen some great additions in the recent past.
A big thanks to Tony at Tony's Huntington Inn (see below) for the great selection of Live Sunday music this summer (2014).
Several years back the neighborhood gained attractive lights and brick lined walkways along part of Huntington Turnpike.
Two "Best of" restaurants continue to attract positive attention. More recently we gained a new shopping center at 1055 Huntington Turnpike and an expansion of Treeland Garden Center across Huntington Turnpike. A major face-lift of Nob Hill Shopping Center brought a much appreciated upgrade. The corner of Evers and Huntington Turnpike is a small townhouse complex and major construction is underway on Huntington Turnpike. This last project is reported to be a Kingdom Hall.
** See below for "What's New".
Here are some of my favorite places:
Briarwood Service Center-- Ricky's Auto Service Center (Rich is still there. Lew is off enjoying himself.) is still a fixture at the Y of East Main Street, Huntington Turnpike and Noble Avenue. Goggle map & review Hard-to-find great, fair and reliable service in an auto center. I've had several people come back to me so impressed that they had to thank me again for recommending Briarwood Service. And it is still just as great.
Food World Had closed for several years, but reopened in late 2013. So great to have a local grocery to walk to or as a quick stop on the way home. Variety of produce, full deli, and a surprising variety of grocery items.
map & review
Liscios -- A wonderful old fashioned meat market/deli. Goggle map & review
Dollar Tree -- A REAL dollar store. Everything is just a dollar. Great variety and friendly, helpful staff. Google map & review
A new addition to the center as of late April 2012. Harbor Freight Tools 345 Huntington Turnpike.
You can offer your own favorites on the Community Page.
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Lost and Found
Check the Beardsley Park-Treeland Community page
What's New **
Famous 50's Diner (regular diner has and a bit of Mexican) opened spring 2014 at 472 Huntington Turnpike -- the former home of Smergalino's. FB link map
Huntington Plaza (formerly Nob Hill Plaza)

(Huntington Turnpike & Evers Place).
-- Completely renovated a couple of years ago, it still looks great. However, with the economy still stalled, there are still open spots -- a good opportunity for the right store.

Food World, now reopened renovated, just waiting for a new grocery occupant...
There is a diverse community right in the area -- one that appreciates local shopping. It's is also just a few blocks from both Trumbull and Stratford, Route 8, the 1-95 Connector and the Merrit. I've heard local merchants wishing there was a good grocery market so they can pick up food on the way home.

The Dollar Store is a great draw. Even though a lot of people walk to the store, you'll never find this parking lot (or the store) empty.

The BevMax is also a good draw.
Harbor Freight is a newer addition for all sorts of tools.
Teppanyaki & Supreme Buffet has also opened up in the center.
Tony's Huntington Inn has live music on the terrace on Sundays through the summer.. Look for their sandwich board sign on the Corner of Evers Street and Huntington Turnpike for upcoming artists. FB Goggle map & review
Bridgeport Pal (Christmas Village)
Bridgeport PAL
7 Quarry Road
Trumbull, CT 06611
With the constraints of the economic downturn, Bridgeport PAL can use some extra assistance this year. Christmas Village should be opening after Thanksgiving, but you can support their efforts year round with contributions.
The Christmas Village
5K Run & Family Fitness Walk has been held for years around the second Saturday in December. Here's the information on last year's Run.
PAL headquarters is just across the line from Beardsley Park-Treeland in Trumbull.
In 1878, James Beardsley, donated over 100 acres to the city of Bridgeport. In 1884 the city contracted noted landscape architect and Connecticut native Frederick Law Olmsted to create a design for Beardsley Park. CONTINUEDBeardsley Park (open year-round) is a great resource to the neighborhood and the entire city.

The Park also offers sports fields and a children's playground.
A little white water on the Pequonock after a rain.
Beardsley Park is home to the Beardsley Zoo. Here's a link so you can browse their programs and activities: http://www.beardsleyzoo.orgThey can always use your help -- Visit, Contribute, Volunteer!
In Beardsley Park-Treeland you'll find everything from single and multifamily homes, rentals and condos, to apartments. CONTINUED
stately turn-of-the-century homes
very recent alternatives
Remington Woods is on the eastern side of the Beardsley Park-Treeland area and extends into Stratford, CT. It covers 344 acres are in Bridgeport. Remington Woods was formerly a munitions testing site. For a number of years there has been ongoing controversy on the best use for this large tract of land. CONTINUED http://www.friendsofremingtonwoods.org/ FRIENDS OF REMINGTON FACEBOOK