Your personalized training
can include whatever YOU need.
You don't have to be a
geek to learn computers.

Here's a list of
the programs damnedcomputer regularly supports.
You can ask for combinations of any of these elements
to meet your specific needs. (Detailed outlines of common
training topics are available upon request.)
Training that doesn't
make you feel dumb.

Need something else?
Give a call and let us know what other program(s) you
need -- we may be able to help you or refer you to someone
who can.
Personalized help
or training with no CDs or endless help files.

or Mac
What your computer is supposed to do for you.
How it's organized with files and folders. How
you can navigate through the programs and folders.
Creating your own filing system. Copying and
pasting. Finding lost items. Keeping your computer
working better. About viruses, popups and spyware.
and Email
Your options in connecting to the internet. Basic
and alternate ways to search for information on the
Internet. Using various email programs-- sending,replying,
forwarding, attaching and address books. Specific
searches for people, directions, business and other
topical information. What you can do to minimize
viruses and spyware.
The term Microsoft Office includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint,
Access, Publisher, FrontPage. Some versions of
the package only include a few of these programs.
The most widely used word processing program in the
business world. The basics of toolbars, buttons, views
and taskpanes. Keyboard and other shortcut commands.
Multiple ways to select text. Formatting text.
Formatting paragraphs. Setting up the page to print
with margins and orientation. Using and finding
standard templates. Inserting pictures and using borders.
How to use bullets, tabs and styles. Placing text
in columns and controlling how text works with images
and drawings. Word can even be used for very long complex
documents where you need Footnotes, an Index or Table
of Contents, different page numbering, headers and footers
for different portions of the document and a feature
called Master Documents. It also offers
collaborative tools for marking up and editing by multiple
parties and comparison options for different versions.
The electronic version of a paper spreadsheet set up
with rows and columns and special tools for automatic
calculations.The basics of toolbars, buttons, views
and taskpanes. Keyboard and other shortcut commands.
Multiple ways to select text and numbers. Formatting
text and numbers. Creating basic calculations
-- formulas and functions. Increase your efficiency
and use Excel as a database (list-keeping). Features
and timesaving tips and tricks to speed up your work.
Work effectively with large or multiple sheets. Pull
out the information you want --Sorting and filtering
data. Use 3 D links and hyperlinks for efficiency. Make
your information speak for itself with comments and
graphic options. Use powerful Excel tools to analyze
your data. Customize Excel and automate your work. Create
templates and macros. Customize formats, buttons, add-ins.
Importing and exporting information from database, web
and text source. Use pivot tables, subtotals, outlining
and scenarios to analyze information more efficiently.
Exchange information with Text, web and database applications.
An electronic slide show program frequently used for
meeting with a large audience. Getting comfortable
with the environment -- different views (normal, outline,
slide sorter and master), toolbars, buttons, taskpanes
and shortcuts. Planning an outline of your presentation,
choosing slide layouts and backgrounds. Add and manipulate
text and graphics and rearrange slides. Set the presentation
transitions, check spelling and find phrases. Learn
time saving tips and tricks. Create your own templates.
Customize and organize clip art for efficiency. Create
Word Art and combine text with drawing objects Reuse
or hide slides to quickly create multiple versions of
presentations. Customize animated builds. Insert sounds
and video. Use hyperlinks.
Microsoft Access
Understand relational databases and how the Access design
environment helps you create a place to organize, store
and retrieve information. Learn about objects in a database.
Understanding connections in a relational database.
Use wizards and design views to create and edit tables,
forms, queries and reports. Update your database design
to improve your data integrity. Optimizing data type.
Ensure the best entry of data with default values, formats
and lookups. Customize and automate your database.
No, it’s not just email! Organize all your personal
or work information. Creating and customizing email
Create and manage contacts- keep track of information
on everyone you know. Manage your time better with Calendar
or use it to plan meetings and manage resources. Share
information between email, contacts, calendar tasks
and notes
Keep records of time spent or a timeline of all you
do with the journal feature. See how to share information
with other users.
Microsoft FrontPage
Create and manage your website with FrontPage.
Insert text and images. Format text and paragraphs.
Create links to other pages or other sites. Insert
sounds video or transition effects. Access different
layout options like photo galleries. Keep track of download
times and slow pages. Create templates and use wizards
for forms and data. Use themes to easily create
and coordinate buttons and visual elements.
Page layout/desktop publishing that’s a step up
from Word in creating brochures, cards and flyers. Most
appropriate for individuals and small businesses.
Get comfortable with this program to manipulate and
enhance photographs and other digital images. Also appropriate
for Photoshop Elements.
Learn about resolution and graphic formats. How and
why to use different ways of selecting. Using layers.
Experiment with painting tools colors and type. Explore
filters and imaginative professional effects .Review
the special tools for cleaning up old photos or combining
images. Automate repetitive tasks. How Photoshop
and companion program ImageReady can help you prepare
your web site with small efficient graphics for your
site and planning your site. Create your own background
graphics or an animated GIF.
Design and create and manage websites. Design and create
websites. Site design concepts and planning. Explore
the Dreamweaver environment. Define a site. Insert images,
set image properties, create and format tables. Add
internal and external links, image links and image maps
.Upload your site to a remote Web server. More advanced
features include libraries, behaviors, style sheets,
CSS styles, layers,rollovers, and navigation bars. Add
forms and start using database features.
Wonder how they make those animations on the web? A
great creative tool for efficient digital animations.
The flash environment. Creating objects. Drawing, painting
colors and gradients. Import and manipulate objects.
Using layers. Shape and motion tweening. Publishing
a flash movie. Work with more advanced features to create
more complex animations. Use symbols and instances and
build navigational controls. Using the Library palette.
Learn about features to help test and organize your
projects. Use scenes to organize content in large complex
Timelines, and create frame labels to mark critical
points in your Timeline. Add advanced playback controls
and interactive elements to a Flash movie (including
remote rollovers and expanding menus). Create preloaders
to ensure smooth playback of larger movie files. Import,
manipulate and edit sounds.
Create PDF files compatible with any operating system
that don’t require a specific program or version
to see well-formatted documents.
Create drawings and design elements that you can use
in publishing or your own creative work. Creating
and editing lines and shapes. Setting colors and designs
for filling shapes. Use layers to create detailed
drawings. Explore tools to easily reuse design
Page layout/desktop publishing. Learn how to create
great looking flyers, brochures and reports that can
be professionally printed.Get familiar with the PageMaker
environment. Using views and drawing tools. Working
with text and text blocks. Working with graphics, templates
and styles.
Publishing books, brochures, programs? This page layout/desktop
publishing program can help you put it all together.
Page layout/desktop publishing. Uses the familiar Photoshop/Illustrator
interface to learn how to create great looking flyers,
brochures and reports that can be professionally printed.
Get familiar with the PageMaker environment. Using views
and drawing tools. Working with text and text blocks.
Working with graphics, templates and styles
eBay Selling
Researching your items. Preparing great pictures for
your listing. Strategies for selling -- pricing,
timing, packing and shipping. Clear out your
old stuff or start a business.
Planning tool for large and complex projects. Use the
project tools to manage your project
Create professional looking charts, diagrams and flowcharts
that can connect to office document information.
Get familiar with drawing tools, sets of templates editing
and printing options.
Camera & Scanning
Take the mystery out of emailed photos, digital camera
pictures and scanned images. Learn about resolution
and printing options. Explore editing and enhancement
options in the programs on your computer.
Track what’s happening with your business. Use
it to run your own small business or help other businesses
with their bookkeeping tasks. Focus on business start
up and everyday tasks or how to track your business
over time. Setting up a business. Understanding accounts
and classes. Entering inventory, non-inventory items,
vendors’ and employees. Entering and paying bills.
Tracking and paying sales tax. See how reports can help
you manage your business. Set up more specialized items
like assets,, depreciation, and payroll. Learn about
maintaining and protecting your data. Create customized
reports, graphs and forms.
Set up Quicken for your personal or small business bookkeeping.
Setting up and using categories consistently.
Creating banking and investment accounts. Customizing
Wonder how they make those animations on the web? A
great creative tool for efficient digital animations.
The flash environment. Creating objects. Drawing, painting
colors and gradients. Import and manipulate objects.
Using layers. Shape and motion tweening. Publishing
a flash movie. Work with more advanced features to create
more complex animations. Use symbols and instances and
build navigational controls. Using the Library palette.
Learn about features to help test and organize your
projects. Use scenes to organize content in large complex
Timelines, and create frame labels to mark critical
points in your Timeline. Add advanced playback controls
and interactive elements to a Flash movie (including
remote rollovers and expanding menus). Create preloaders
to ensure smooth playback of larger movie files. Import,
manipulate and edit sounds.
HTML is the language behind the web pages. Some
people create entire websites with HTML. Most
need HTML to help them edit or make corrections to pages
they're created with FrontPage or Dreamweaver. Learn
about creating web pages from scratch. Learn tags
for text images and linking. Create tables ordered
and unordered lists. Insert special characters and colors
- Printers, CDs & Flash Drives
Some basics on devices. Viewing your print queue.
Setting your default printer. Burning CDs. Using
a Flash drive(also called pen drives, key drives, jump
drive or USB drives.)
How programs can
work together to save you time. You can cut, paste
and insert a surprising number of things into other
programs. Many of these possibilities have some not
so obvious options.
Ask about these
other programs that may be available for training: WordPerfect,
Lotus, Filemaker, Act, Dragon Voice Recognition.